
Head of the Ishida Family


Name: Daigo Ishida ("大" as in big. "虎" as in tiger)
Age: 25
D.O.B: August 29th, 1994
Height: 5'3.5"
Blood Type: O
Status: Alive / Non-kage
Roots: Head of the Ishida Family
Position: 3rd Chairman
Personality: Quick witted, honest, open-minded, caring, understanding, cunning, educated.
Stern, hardheaded, idealistic, possessive, cruel, sado-masochistic.
Likes: A good fight, sweets, spicy foods, cute things and cats.
Dislikes: Liars, people who hit women, cheap things, poor fashion.

Backstory (W.I.P.)

An orphan at birth, having his mother die during child labor, and his father nowhere to be found, the young Daigo was raised in an orphanage a-center of town. Frequently, the area was under the duress of the Daigo Family. One of the Clans under the Yakuza’s jurisdiction. An illegal crime syndicate that used means of threat and violence on the patrons and landowners of the area, promising them protection in return for predetermined percentages of their incomes. Extortion was only one of their many crimes, however. They were also responsible for prostitution, gambling, and some smuggling of illegal goods. It was during his early childhood, that the Yakuza’s power was growing.

On one particular evening, one of the family heads was at the orphanage, collecting their due sum. Their caretaker was having a conversation with the collector, that seemed to get rather in depth. Mere moments before it got violent, one eavesdropping Daigo, age 12, ran out of his room, and into the man, weakly pounding small, balled fists to his chest. The child was aware that these men were far tougher than he, and was also knowledgeable of the fact that this exchange could indeed end poorly for him, but none of that mattered. They were threatening not only the woman who’s cared for him his entire life, but a woman. An inexcusable lapse of judgement for any man. Of this, he hadn’t any problems voicing to the man towering above him, who in exchange for his young, but wise words, merely took one of his wrists with one hand, knelt down, and began to gently pat the young boy’s head.

“ You’re ballsy, and I can respect that. You’re right, I shouldn’t be threatening a lady, that’s wrong of me. “ The man, who Daigo didn’t even know the name of, looked towards the head of the orphanage, and nodded in apology.
“I didn’t know you had such a little firecracker hiding in here. You’re okay for this month, but I expect payment next month.”

Giving his adieu to the woman, then the child, he proceeded to leave. Only to arrive the next morning on his own. Daigo was there to greet him with the nastiest scowl, ready to “fight him off” once again. This time, however, he was there to deliver some news.

He would be adopting Daigo. Much to both the child’s surprise, as well as the Orphanage head. She waived the adoption fee, and Daigo was on his way to the Ishida Residence that day, kicking and screaming. After a lot of talking, and a few scoldings in the car, they approached a rather large, traditional Japanese style home. A place of which he never imagined, at least not at his current age, that he’d learn to love, and call home.

It was from then on, he was raised into the Gokudo lifestyle. At age 18 he was a basic member. Doing collection runs, and muscling the masses for their protection fees. By age 20, he was having his entry ceremony as the family head’s Kobun. The sake that night tasted particularly sweet, to his remembrance.

By the time of The Incident, he was at the side of his Oyabun’s deathbed. He had grown ill previously, by a virus that seemed to be gradually infecting the masses. Moments before the Emergency Broadcasts began, head of the Ishida family shared his last breath, granting his Kobun his own position upon time of his passing.

This left Daigo, new head of the Ishida family, to be not only the current, but one of the youngest family heads ever known.